AAHPSSS at CHASS 2024: Pedagogical Innovations in Philosophy of Science


This panel will explore new approaches to teaching philosophy of science, with a focus on making pedagogy more inclusive and interdisciplinary. Prof. Rob Wilson will examine how philosophy of science units can expand their appeal by incorporating diverse formats and topics such as psychiatry, bioethics, and the politics of biology. Dr. Alan Jurgens will discuss how philosophy of science connects with other disciplines, offering students insights into shared scientific processes and the influence of social norms on scientific practice, especially through the lens of feminist philosophy of science. Gemma Lucy Smart will highlight the importance of inclusivity, advocating for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to engage students from diverse backgrounds and promote critical thinking through flexible teaching methods. Together, these talks will propose a vision for philosophy of science education that is accessible, interdisciplinary, and responsive to the needs of today’s students.

The event is available both in person and online, from 10am-12pm AWST, Tuesday, November 26th.

Further details, including online access, can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/pedagogical-innovations-in-philosophy-of-science-tickets-1086539953249

2024 Dyason Lecture – Professor Alison Bashford (UNSW)

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Dyason Lecture is set to be given by Professor Alison Bashford on Wednesday, December 4th at 6.30pm at the Forum Theatre at the University of Melbourne. The title of the lecture is Secrets Disclosed: Reading the Hand from Chiromancy to Genetics.

Speaker: Professor Alison Bashford (UNSW)
Title: Secrets Disclosed: Reading the Hand from Chiromancy to Genetics
When: 6:30pm, Wednesday 4th December
Where: Forum Theatre, Arts West, The University of Melbourne

Further details and abstract to follow.

Professor Alison Bashford

Speaker Bio:
Alison Bashford is Scientia Professor in History and Director of the Laureate Centre for History & Population at UNSW Sydney. She also directs the New Earth Histories Research Program. Her work connects the history of science, global history, and environmental history into new assessments of the modern world, from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Her most recent book is An Intimate History of Evolution: The Story of the Huxley Family (Random House, 2022), winner of the Nib Literary Prize, an Economist Best Book of 2022, and shortlisted for the Cundill History Prize, 2023. Before taking up her Research Chair at UNSW, Alison Bashford was the Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History at the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge. She is Fellow of the British Academy and of the Australian Academy of Humanities. Secrets Disclosed: The Hand from Chiromancy to Genetics is her next book (Chicago, 2025).

Featured image credits
Richard Saunders, Palmistry, the secrets thereof disclosed…
(London, 1663).
Plate prepared for L.S. Penrose, “Finger-prints, palms and chromosomes,” Nature (1963)

Public Lecture – Somatic Affinities: Medicine and Portraiture

Members in Melbourne may be interested in this upcoming seminar presented by Visiting Professor Ludmilla Jordanova, Emeritus Professor of History and Visual Culture at Durham University, UK, and hosted by the University of Melbourne.

When? Tuesday, June 11, 6PM

Abstract: The popularity of portraiture, especially in the English-speaking world, is well known. That medical practitioners were keen on portraits is also a familiar claim.

In this talk Professor Ludmilla Jordanova will explore the affinities between medicine and portraiture by reflecting on the notion of ‘somatic affinity’ and on the ways in which health care professionals necessarily have to make careful visual appraisals all the time.

Since ‘portrait’ is a powerful metaphor, we might say they are in the business of generating portraits. We might also plausibly claim that those who produce portraits in the literal sense are doing something that is quasi-medical. There’s a wealth of contemporary material that can be put to use here, but there is also a golden opportunity for historical research capable of making a useful contribution to the medical humanities.

For more information and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/somatic-affinities-medicine-and-portraiture-tickets-902061318687

Collections in Circulation: Mobile Museum Conference, 9-10 May 2019

Dear Members of the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science,

I am writing to you as I believe that the upcoming conference ‘Collections in Circulation’, to be held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th May 2019, will be of interest to your association.

The conference will bring together scholars from the UK and overseas with a shared interest in the mobility of museum collections, past and present. Their papers will address various aspects of the history of the circulation of objects and their re-mobilisation in the context of object exchange, educational projects and community engagement.

The conference is organised by the AHRC-funded Mobile Museum project, a collaboration between Royal Holloway, University of London, and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The research project explores the movement of objects into and out of the Economic Botany Collection at Kew, established in 1847. Botanical specimens and artefacts made of plant materials were sent to Kew from all over the world, and a large quantity were re-circulated to schools, museums and botanic gardens in the UK and overseas.

Australian institutions including botanic gardens and museums in Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane were key recipients of this material. You can read a more detailed account of our research on economic botany collections in Australia here:


We are very pleased to announce that registration has opened for the conference, and hope that you will be interested in promoting it via your newsletter / networks / media channels.

Confirmed speakers include Claudia Augustat, Paul Basu, Joshua Bell, Martha Fleming, Sally Gregory Kohlstedt, Luciana Martins, Wayne Modest, Catherine Nichols, Jude Philp and Daniel Simpson.

Full details of the programme and a link to booking registration are now available at:


The image which we are using across our conference publicity (a C19th Japanese paper sample from Kew’s Economic Botany Collection).

Warm Regards,

Harriet Gendall

Project Officer
Kew Mobile Museum
Economic Botany Collection
020 8332 5771

Geography: Shaping Australia’s Future

The Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee for Geography is launching its strategic plan, Geography: Shaping Australia’s Future, in Sydney on Thursday 22 November. The plan will be launched by Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte FAA FRS FTSE, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, during a Future Earth Australia-hosted event at the University of Sydney. The launch will be followed by a networking afternoon tea.

All welcome. Please RSVP using the link below or click here.

Dyason Lecture 2018: Dancing with Strangers. Imagining an Originary Moment for Australian STS

Courtesy Mitchell library, State Library of New South Wales

Helen Verran,
Professor, College of Indigenous Futures, Arts and Social Sciences, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory.

Title: Dancing with Strangers. Imagining an Originary Moment for Australian STS.

In 1788 in what would in a few years become Sydney, not too far from the site where in 2018 a large group of scholars will meet to critically discuss the roles of sciences and technologies in modern cultures and societies, a group of sailors and soldiers danced with the strangers who had been warily awaiting them when they arrived on shore. Science and technology had also arrived, albeit to an extent unheralded. Of course, the strangers who at first hesitantly welcomed the group they assumed were mere temporary visitors, had their own highly elaborated traditions of knowing and doing that could with careful translation also have been understood as sciences and technologies. It is recorded in the colonial archive that as a start to that translation work, the two groups danced together. Each presumably also showed the other how to dance ‘properly’.

In this lecture I take this promising moment in which knowers in disparate traditions engaged each other with curiosity and respect, as occasion to articulate (another) originary moment in Australian STS.


Helen Verran grew up in her grandmother’s house playing in the creeks that ran into the lower reaches of Sydney’s Middle Harbour. Along with biology lessons at a lesser girls high school, the Long Reef rock shelf played its part, and to the bemusement of her family she went away to study science at university. In the 1970s the sciences in Australia were not welcoming for women rearing young children, so like many before her she turned to school teaching. An unexpected opportunity to teach science education in Nigeria led to a career shift, and returning to Victoria in the 1980s Helen joined Deakin University Science Studies Unit. It was here that her long engagement with Indigenous Australian knowledge traditions began. Retiring from nearly 25 years of teaching in the History and Philosophy Department at University of Melbourne, she took up a part-time professorship at Charles Darwin where her work with Aboriginal Australian knowledge practitioners continues.

The Dyason Lecture took place at the State Library of New South Wales on Thursday 30 August

Helen’s talk commences around 11:00. You have to click in the sound bars to hear the talk.

USyd HPS Research Presentation and Keynote



Friday 8th June



Welcome – Hans Pols Head of School

1:45–2:10 Eamon Little – Completing Honours Student
“Psychopathy and Moral Exculpation: A Clarification”

2:10– 2:35 Alexander Pereira – Current Honours Student

2:35 Afternoon Tea

3:00–3:30 Tim Shaw – Current PhD Candidate

3:30–4:00 Georg Repnikov recent PhD graduate :
“Beyond Classificatory Realism: A Deflationary Perspective on Psychiatric Nosology”.

4:15 – 5:00  KEYNOTE:

Rob Wilson, Ph.D., FRSC
Professor of Philosophy
La Trobe University, Melbourne

“Disciplining Eugenics: History, Philosophy, and HPS”

Eugenics has usually been studied as a historical phenomenon, perhaps one with lessons for present and future uses of science and technology.  Here I want to raise some questions about the relationship of eugenics to both history and philosophy, drawing my experience working in constructing oral histories with survivors of Canadian eugenics over the past 10 years.  This will allow us to discuss received views of eugenics, the enthusiasm for aspects of eugenics in the philosophical bioethics community, and some topics in the philosophy of disability.

5:00PM – Please join us for Drinks and Canapes to celebrate Georg’s recent graduation and all our achievements.

RSVP: hps.admin@sydney.edu.au


Masterclass (26 April) and Book launch (2 May) with Rosi Braidotti – Deakin University, Melbourne

There will be two events with Rosi Braidotti coming up, hosted by Deakin University’s Science and Society Network:

Masterclass with Rosi Braidotti
Thursday, April 26, 2018 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Deakin Downtown (Level 12) | 727 Collins Street
Docklands, VIC 3008


Book launch: “Posthuman Glossary” with Rosi Braidotti
Wednesday, May 2, 2018 from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Deakin Downtown (Level 12) | 727 Collins Street
Docklands, VIC 3008


Registration is required for both events, so grab a seat before they are gone.