Two HPSSS Jobs

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History of Science Faculty position, Florida Institute of Technology

Florida Tech invites applications for a tenure track faculty position in the history of science and/or medicine, to begin in August 2023. Preference will be given to candidates with an area of specialization in the modern period with at least two years of teaching experience at the university level who can (a) teach undergraduate courses in the history of science, medicine, and technology (ancient, medieval, and modern); (b) develop undergraduate courses in their area of specialization; (c) contribute to the teaching of the general education humanities core curriculum; (d) develop courses that contribute to building bridges between the School of Arts and Communication and the College of Engineering and Science. All candidates must have a Ph.D. at the time of appointment. The School of Arts and Communication is part of the College of Psychology and Liberal Arts at Florida Tech. We are a small, collegial faculty committed to developing the liberal arts within a STEM university.

At Florida Tech, we believe in recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty and staff. We are committed to building an inclusive community that will make the university stronger. To achieve and sustain educational excellence, we seek to hire talented faculty and staff across the intersections of diverse races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, ages, socio-economic backgrounds, cultures, and national origins.

Florida Tech ( is a private university ranked as a Tier 1 National University by U.S. News and World Report, and one of the top 20 small universities in the world by Times Higher Education. The university is in Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida, which is one of the top counties in the U.S. for high-tech employment and is near the NASA/Kennedy Space Center. The campus is six kilometers from the Indian River lagoon, one of the most biodiverse estuaries in the northern hemisphere and home to more than 4,300 species of plants and animals.

Applicants should submit their letter of application and curriculum vitae directly to the search committee chair, Gordon Patterson, at with the Subject Line “History of Science Application”. The search committee encourages applicants to integrate their thinking and experiences regarding diversity into their application letter.

Review of applications will begin November 15, 2022 and continue until the position is filled.

For full details, see:

Lectureship, HPS, Cambridge

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge invites applications for the Department’s Lipton Lectureship, a permanent Assistant Professorship (with opportunity for promotion). The position is offered in the History of Recent Science, Technology, and Medicine, to start on 1 October 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Responsibilities will include contributing to all aspects of undergraduate and graduate teaching, assessing graduate applications and student funding applications, supervising, examining, leading research activities in the history of recent science, technology, and/or medicine, and various administrative duties for the Department. By ‘recent’, we generally refer to the period following 1945, with the understanding that periodization varies by historical specialty. The Department welcomes applications from scholars across the full range of specializations, including those whose work considers the diverse range of contexts outside Europe and North America, as well as Indigenous knowledge traditions across the world.

Applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent) and have an outstanding record of excellence in teaching, research, and publication in the history of recent science, technology, and/or medicine. An ability to work in science and technology studies is desirable. The Department offers an exceptionally stimulating and supportive interdisciplinary research environment and the opportunity to develop undergraduate and graduate teaching in the post-holder’s areas of expertise. The closing date for receipt of applications is 27 November 2022.

To see further particulars and apply online, go to:

For information on the Department of History and Philosophy of Science see; for more on the University of Cambridge see

Please quote reference JN33811 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.

Postdoctoral Fellowships at Yale – Climate Change

Yale University

The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication invites applications for 2 full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellows to contribute to our ongoing research on the public’s climate change knowledge, risk perceptions, policy preferences, and behavior. The program conducts scientific surveys and message experiments at the national, international, and global scales, as well as with specific communities and organizations. The program also includes several projects that engage the public in climate change science and solutions.


Conduct scientific research to advance the theory and practice of effective climate change communication, and the psychological, cultural, political, and social factors influencing public awareness, risk perceptions, policy preferences and behavior.

  • Work with an interdisciplinary and international network of researchers.
  • Postdoc 1: Contribute to survey research design, implementation, data analysis and data management.
  • Postdoc 2: Contribute to message experiment research design, implementation, data analysis and data management.
  • Author peer-reviewed publications and public reports.

Required education and experience

  • Candidates must have a PhD in a relevant field or discipline, such as survey research, risk perception, communication (climate change, science, environment, public health, and/or political communication), behavior change, psychology, political science, sociology, or geography.
  • Proficiency in survey and/or experimental research design, methods, and analysis.
  • Proficiency in data analysis, using SPSS, R, or other statistics packages.
  • Proficiency in data and project management.
  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate research results to both expert and non-expert audiences.
  • Excellent writing and presentation skills in English.

The review of applications will begin on April 8, 2022, and the positions will remain open until filled. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. The positions are full-time appointments for one year, with full benefits, and with the possibility of renewal for a second year, dependent upon performance and availability of funding.

For full consideration, applicants must submit an application to Please put either “Survey Postdoc Application – (your last name)” or “Experimental Postdoc Application – (your last name)” in the subject line. Applications should include: (1) a cover letter addressed to Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, including a statement of research interests and career goals, with names and contact information for three professional references, and (2) a curriculum vita. Applications should contain all documents in a single PDF attached to the email.

Yale University Statement on Non-Discrimination

Indigenous positions at Melbourne

The Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne has an open call for identified Indigenous positions as follows:

Please share this information with your networks, and with individuals you think may be interested.

Doctoral positions – Call for Applications (2022–2026)

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The International Max Planck Research School

“Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities” (IMPRS-KIR)
Call for Applications (2022–2026)

The International Max Planck Research School “Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities” (IMPRS-KIR) invites applications for

5 doctoral positions, to begin on September 1, 2022.

Each position will run for 3.5 years, with the possibility of extending once by six months.

The IMPRS-KIR is a new, research-driven PhD program based in the history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine (HPSTM). It is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The IMPRS-KIR will trace the deep entanglements of knowledge and its resources from a long-term and global perspective. Key to its agenda is a “historical-political epistemology” that highlights how knowledge is shaped historically by a great variety of resources – political systems, technological infrastructures, social interaction, material objects and media technologies. Knowledge, in turn, is understood as a means to define and unlock such resources, while being, in and of itself, one of the key resources of human culture.

The School offers training in historical-political epistemology, combining HPSTM with regional and global studies, Science & Technology Studies (STS), all fields of history, media studies, museum studies, archaeology, art history, literary studies, philology, environmental studies, and digital humanities research. Prospective doctoral students with projects on any specialty and period within these and related fields are invited to apply.

The doctoral positions are open to applicants of all nationalities holding a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in the aforementioned fields and having proficiency in English, and, preferably, in one or more additional languages. Candidates are expected to be able to present and discuss their work and that of others in English; dissertations may be submitted in German, English, or any of the supervisors’ working languages. Selection criteria relate to the excellence of the individual candidate and project and the closeness of the project’s fit with the School’s agenda.

The IMPRS-KIR is located at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Dahlem, Berlin. Students will work in a stimulating international and interdisciplinary research environment.

The School’s program entails one year of courses held in conjunction with the three Berlin universities involved in the IMPRS-KIR (FU, HU, TU), as well as mentored reading groups, workshops, training in digital humanities methods, a tailored coaching program, and language courses. A research budget will be available for travel to archives worldwide. Additionally, students may opt to spend up to one semester at one of our international partner universities (University of Pennsylvania, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore University of Technology and Design).

The PhD degrees will be awarded by one of the Berlin university departments represented in the Principal Teaching Faculty. Additionally, an IMPRS certificate of the Max Planck Society will be awarded.

Applicants are asked to submit the following materials:

  • a cover letter with a personal statement of your motivation for applying to the IMPRS-KIR
    (max. 1,000 words)
  • a dissertation proposal (max. 2,500 words, excluding bibliography) including working title,
    abstract (max. 250 words), research topic and state of the art in the field of study concerned, research questions and objectives, methodology, short description of the project’s feasibility and how it would be carried out (including a list of archives if applicable), bibliography (max. 30 titles)
  • a curriculum vitae (1–2 pages)
  • copies of degree certificates/proof of the finishing date of your Master’s degree
  • transcript of grades achieved during your Master’s studies
  • proof of fluency in English (preferably at level C1, but at least at level B2). If English is your
    native language or if you went to a university where the language of instruction was English, you do not need to submit an English certificate.
  • contact details of two academic referees. Our Selection Committee will contact referees for shortlisted applicants.

Please submit these materials as separate PDF documents, exclusively through the following application portal:
Only complete applications submitted via the application portal will be accepted. The portal will close on January 31, 2022, 23.59 Central European Time.

The IMPRS-KIR aims to foster diversity within its four collaborating institutions. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals regardless of age, disabilities, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

For more information, please consult the FAQs on the website of the MPIWG:

For further inquiries about the new PhD program and the recruitment process, please contact Sophie Schwarzmaier:

For questions about the application portal, please contact Tanja Neuendorf:

Please note that we cannot consider applications sent by email or post. The email addresses given above are only for your questions.

Virtual fellowships at Linda Hall Library

Virtual fellowships – history of science

Linda Hall Library, US

These support doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers and other researchers whose work would benefit from research in the library’s collections. Fellowships are each worth up to USD 3,000 per month for doctoral students and up to USD 4,200 per month for postdoctoral scholars for between one and four months.

Maximum award: USD 16,800

Closing date: 15 Jan 21 (recurring)​

Teaching at Zhejiang Normal University

1. Any major with a bachelor degree is welcome to apply. Remedy will be provided to those less qualified applicants.
2. If you are in PhD dissertation, can remotely communicate with your advisor, you are welcome to join 
3. If you are in or going to have sabbatical Leave, and want to do research or teaching overseas, let me know
4. If you are from a non-native English speaking country, English/Linguistics/Education BA/BS is acceptable

Thank you for sharing the opportunity with your students, colleagues and friends who are looking for jobs.

Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU) is a comprehensive public university in Jinhua city, Zhejiang province, China. Its main campus is next to the Shuanglong Cave national park and covers an area of more than 220 hectares with a total floor space of more than one million square meters.As one of the key provincial universities, ZJNU specializes in teacher education with multiple branches of learning. The university consists of 18 colleges offering 61 undergraduate programs. It has an enrolment over 25,480 undergraduates, 4,300 postgraduates, and 15,000 adult students in adult education programs. Among the total staff of 2,640, there are 1,460 full-time instructors, including a Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician, 260 full professors and 650 associate professors. One professor was awarded the title of National Outstanding Scholar.

Contact: Michael Jiang <>

Postdoc researcher in philosophy of technology

The department of philosophy of the University of Twente is looking for a Postdoctoral researcher (3 years) to do a philosophical analysis of socially disruptive technologies and their role in transforming society with special reference to transformations of fundamental concepts and values.

The Challenge

Socially disruptive technologies are technologies that change society in fundamental ways. They transform everyday life, social institutions, cultural practices, and the organisation of the economy, business, and work. They may even affect our fundamental beliefs and values. Current technologies with this promise include new digital technologies such artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, new bio- and brain technologies like gene editing and synthetic biology, and new environmental technologies like climate engineering and low-carbon technologies.

The aim of this postdoc project is to examine the nature and variety of these technologies and their disruptive and transformative effects, with special consideration of transformative effects on human thought, conceptualization, valuation and morality. The project will include, with accents to be provided by the postdoc, the following lines of investigation: 

  1. A philosophical investigation, with a multidisciplinary orientation, of the notions of social disruption and social transformation, and classifications of technologies and (socio)technological products and systems as to their type and degree of disruption or transformation of various aspects of society.
  2. A philosophical-multidisciplinary investigation of types of (disruptive/transformative) impacts of technology on society, including impacts on social structures, institutions, cultural and epistemic practices, concepts, values and beliefs.
  3. A philosophical-multidisciplinary investigation and assessment of theories and approaches, in philosophy and social sciences, for identifying, assessing and measuring transformative and disruptive impacts of technology, and for studying interactions between technology and society generally.
  4. A philosophical-multidisciplinary investigation of the impact of technology on conceptualization and valuation (e.g., semantic changes in ontological and moral concepts).

The main output will consist of scientific publications (single- and multi-author; the latter with other researchers in the programme). 

This PhD postdoc position is part of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme, a new ten-year long international research programme of seven academic institutions in the Netherlands that has started in January 2020. This ten-year programme has a combined budget of € 27 million, and is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research in the Gravitation funding scheme for excellent research, and by matching funds from the participating institutions. It has the aim of achieving breakthrough research in at the intersection of ethics, philosophy, technology / engineering and social sciences, and to position its consortium at the top of its field internationally. A key objective is to investigate how new technologies challenge moral values and ontological concepts (like “nature”, “human being” and “community”), and how these challenges necessitate a revision of these concepts. This postdoc project will provide some of its conceptual and theoretical foundations. We also expect the postdoc to engage with other projects and research lines in the programme, and to organize workshops and meetings aimed at collaboration on the themes in the postdoc project.

The philosophy department ( has around 40 members (faculty, postdocs, PhD candidates). It is a thoroughly international department, with English as the main language. It specializes in its research in the philosophical and ethical study of technology and its impact on people, society, and the environment.

Your profile

Candidates we seek:

  • Hold a Ph.D. in philosophy, science and technology studies (STS), or a related field;
  • Have experience in research, which is apparent from publications in highly ranked academic journals, presentations at international scientific conferences, and other academic activities;
  • Possess expertise relevant to the project, e.g., in philosophical studies of technology and society, impact assessment methodologies, theories of conceptual change, or other;
  • Possess good communication skills and an excellent command of English, at least at C2 level.

Desired starting date: September 1st (negotiable).

Information and application

For more information, please contact Prof. dr. Philip Brey, e-mail: or phone: +31534894426.

For more information about the Ethics of Socially Disruptive programme, see our website:

You can also request a full programme blueprint and a longer description of the postdoc profile from Seeta Autar (

Your application should include a CV (including the title of your dissertation and a short description of its contents, and contact information for two or more references), a letter of application, and a writing sample and should be uploaded no later than March 22th, 2020. Applications should be uploaded through the “apply now” button below.

There are other vacancies in the ESDT programme at different participating universities. In case several are of interest to you, we encourage you to apply to them simultaneously.

Our offer

You will be appointed for three years. The university offers a dynamic ecosystem with enthusiastic colleagues in which internationalization is an important part of the strategic agenda.

  • Starting salary between € 3.255,- to € 4.274,- gross per month based on your experience;
  • An additional holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.3%;
  • A generous (conference) travel budget;
  • Possibilities to save up holidays for sabbatical leave;
  • Minimum of 29 holidays in case of full-time employment;
  • Professional and personal development programs;
  • A high degree of responsibility and independence, while collaborating with close colleagues, researchers and other university staff is strongly encouraged.
  • International candidates are likely to qualify for a low 30% tax rate for the first five years of their appointment.

The organization

The University of Twente. We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch. Education and research that matter. New technology which leads change, innovation and progress in society. The University of Twente is the only campus university of the Netherlands; divided over five faculties we provide more than fifty educational programmes. We have a strong focus on personal development and talented researchers are given scope for carrying out groundbreaking research.

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability status. Because of our diversity values we do particularly support women to apply.

Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences The Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social sciences (BMS) strives to play a pivotal role in understanding, co-engineering and evaluating innovation in society. Innovation is driven by advances in technology. Through ‘social engineering’ these technological advances are embedded in society befitting human needs and behaviour, within proper public and private management and business structures. For this the faculty of BMS upholds high quality disciplinary knowledge in psychology, business administration, public administration, communication science, philosophy, educational science and health sciences. All with a focus on the challenges in society. Research is strongly connected to our institutes: Mesa+ Institute, TechMed Centra and Digital Society Institute.

One 3-year PhD studentship on “Energy Demand in the Digital Society” at SPRU, University of Sussex

We are advertising a new PhD studentship through CREDS

Project Description

The department:

The PhD will be based in the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex. Established in 1966, SPRU conducts research, consultancy and postgraduate teaching in the area of science, technology, and innovation policy. SPRU comprises over 70 faculty and 60 doctoral students and is ranked third in the world and the highest in the UK in a global list of think tanks in science and technology. The Sussex Energy Group (SEG) at SPRU aims to understand and foster transitions towards sustainable, low carbon energy systems. Drawing from SPRU’s tradition, the Group undertakes academically rigorous, interdisciplinary social science research on contemporary energy and climate policy challenges.

The research area:

This PhD studentship will explore the potential contribution of digital technologies to reducing energy demand and assisting the transition to secure, low carbon energy systems. The studentship forms part of the Digital Society theme of the Centre for Research on Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS), and the successful student will be invited to take part in CREDS meetings and related research and engagement activities.

Applications are welcome for projects that investigate the historic and potential future impact of digital technologies on energy demand, the mechanisms contributing to those impacts and the means by which the energy-saving potential of digital technologies can be maximised. The projects may use ideas from economics, innovation studies, sociology or other relevant disciplines and may employ both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The studentships will contribute to a larger programme of research in this area, led by Prof Tim Foxon and Prof Steve Sorrell.

Possible topics for research projects include:

  • the recent and future impacts of ICTs on energy consumption and energy productivity at the sectoral and macroeconomic level;
  • the potential for innovative, ICT-based business models to deliver end-use services with lower energy use and carbon emissions;
  • the influence of smart systems on energy-related user practices (e.g. working remotely, changing leisure patterns) and the effect of these on energy consumption;
  • the use of digital technologies to optimise the energy efficiency of industrial processes, logistics and larger systems such as entire cities.


The PhD studentship is offered for a maximum of three years, renewable on a yearly basis, subject to satisfactory performance on the doctoral degree. The successful candidate will receive a full fee waiver plus a stipend equivalent to the UKRI doctoral stipend, currently £15,009 per annum, paid each year in three termly instalments (typically in October, January and April). In order to prepare students for academic careers, individuals receiving a studentship will be offered the possibility to undertake some teaching and/or marking activities in the School, of up to a maximum of six hours per week during term time, or to apply for any part-time Research Assistant roles that may become available. Any teaching undertaken will be paid at grade 6 of the University’s Doctoral Tutor salary scale in addition to the stipend.

Application procedure:

If you are interested in applying for a studentship, you need to first apply for a PhD place in Science and Technology Policy Studies at the University of Sussex, including a research proposal addressing one of the research topics above or a closely related topic. Details of the application process are available here:

For further details, please see here:“Energy-Demand-in-the-Digital-Society”-at-SPRU,-University-of-Sussex

Funding Notes

The studentship is available for UK/EU and overseas applicants. Applicants should have an upper second class honours degree, and already have, or currently be studying for, a Master’s degree in a related subject, or equivalent qualification if a non-UK applicant. A good level pass is usually required for the Master’s degree. Proof of proficiency in English is also required, i.e., an IELTS certificate taken within the last two years showing at least 6.5 overall with at least 6.0 in each of the four sections.