ISHPSSB Announcements

Call for Papers: “On the Nature of Variation: Random, Biased, and
Directional,” 3–4 October 2017, University of Lisbon. This conference
aims to provide an interdisciplinary context for uncovering and
critically evaluating the rationale behind the hypothesis of variation
randomness in the light of new developments in the evolutionary
sciences. Deadline: 15 July 2017.

Call for Papers: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Holobionts, 6–8
November 2017, University of Bordeaux. This workshop will bring
together researchers from diverse disciplines working on holobionts
and host-microbe associations, in order to foster interdisciplinary
communication. Deadline: 16 July 2017.

Call for Papers: Philosophy of Epidemiology, a Special Issue of
Synthese. Guest Editors: Sean A. Valles (Michigan State University)
and Jonathan Kaplan (Oregon State University). Deadline: 9 October

POBAM News: POBAM (Philosophy of Biology at Madison) has been
reincarnated as POBAM (Philosophy of Biology at the Mountains). The
first in a new series of biennial meeting at the University of Utah
will be 17–18 May 2018. A call for abstracts will be issued this
summer, with abstracts due this fall. Elliott Sober thanks past
attendees and program committees, along with all the UW-Madison
graduate students who made POBAM possible.

Lakatos Award: The LSE is pleased to announce the winners of the 2015
and 2016 Lakatos Awards. The 2015 award goes to Thomas Pradeu of CNRS
and the University of Bordeaux for his book The Limits of the Self:
Immunology and Biological Identity (OUP, 2012). The 2016 award goes
to Brian Epstein of Tufts University for The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the
Foundations of the Social Sciences (OUP, 2015).

Special Issue: “Ontologies of Living Beings,” a special issue of the
open-access journal Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology.

Book: Luca Tonetti and Nicole Cilia (eds.), Wired Bodies: New
Perspectives on the Machine-Organism Analogy.

Book: Kevin C. Elliott and Ted Richards (eds.), Exploring Inductive
Risk: Case Studies of Values in Science.

Listserv for the International Society for the History, Philosophy,
and Social Studies of Biology

Please send me items at to post to the list that
would be of interest to Society members: position announcements,
postdoctoral announcements, grant and funding opportunities,
conference announcements, calls for papers, and brief queries on
research topics.  The sooner you send me something, the more likely
that I will be able to have it posted before its deadline. **Please
include a link to details, as we only send out a digest of brief


Trevor Pearce
Listserv Moderator, International Society for History, Philosophy, and
Social Studies of Biology