
Ian Langham Memorial Bursaries

The Ian Langham Memorial Bursaries provide financial help to students attending each AAHPSSS. The bursaries are awarded to eligible postgraduate students to help meet the costs of travel and other expenses associated with the presentation of a paper at the AAHPSSS conference.

Eligibility for the award

  • You must be an enrolled postgraduate student.
  • You must have submitted an offer of a paper and abstract by the due date and have that paper accepted for presentation at the AAHPSSS conference.
  • You must be able to provide, on request, the written support of your supervisor.

Papers should be around 3000 words in length, excluding notes, and should be scholarly, free-standing works with the basic format of a short journal article in the history, philosophy or social studies of science.

Criteria for selection of eligible papers include whether they engage scholarly dialogues in the HPS/STS literature, whether they evidence knowledge and appropriate use of HPS/STS methodologies, and that their authors have full-time student status.

Bursary recipients will be informed prior to the conference and should plan to provide receipts for expenses incurred up to the amount awarded for reimbursement; monies generally are distributed according to distance between the home institution and the conference venue.

The best paper will be awarded the Langham Prize at the conference.

Questions should be directed to the AAHPSSS Secretary.