Member benefits

Please go here to register and pay:

AAHPSSS membership entitles you to receive the following:

  • reports and information about developments in the field, including AAHPSSS activities, departmental news, jobs and fellowships, new book publications, as well as archived articles from old newsletters and Metascience;
  • discount on AAHPSSS conference registration;
  • subscription to the AAHPSSS mailing list;
  • discount on Taylor & Francis journals Annals of ScienceHistory and Technology, and Science as Culture;[1]
  • discount on Metascience, an international reviews journal for the history, philosophy and social studies of science.

Membership Fees (effective 21 March 2018):

  • Full member package:                   AUD$45/year
  • Student member package:            AUD$25/year
  • Emeritus member package:          AUD$35/year
  • Non-OECD member package:      AUD$25/year


We are also seeking to expand our activities, and cannot do this without adequate funds, so please donate to our programs if you can:

  • General Fund (untied, and crucial for new initiatives)
  • AAHPSSS archives project
  • Travel fund for young scholars (Ian Langham Bursary)
  • Conference presentation prize fund for early career researchers (Ian Langham Prize)

Payment is via PayPal or direct deposit into the Society’s bank account:

Account Name: AAHPSSS

BSB: 112-879

Account Number: 041 336 133

[1]      Subscriptions to these journals under this offer are for the private use of the individual member of AAHPSSS, should be received at the private address of that individual, and should not be placed in a physical or digital library nor in any way used to substitute for an existing or potential library subscription.