2014 Conference program

A2HPS3 Conference (July 16-18, 2014), Katoomba


Wednesday 16th

1:30-3:30 Early Modern I

• Alan Salter, The 1616 Anatomy lecture of William Harvey given to the London College of Physicians.
• Marco Zuccato, A Forgotten World of Exotic Wonders in Early-Medieval Spain.
• Julie Anne Davies, German Perceptions of Joseph Glanvill.
• Ofer Gal, Descartes, Spinoza, and the Turn from Reason to the Passions.

3:30-4:00 Tea/coffee Break

4:00-5:30 Dyason Lecture

Philip Catton, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Exemplary Practice, Public Experience: Newton vs Leibniz.

Thursday 17th

9:15-10:45 String Theory: An HPSS Buffet

• Kristian Camilleri, In What Sense is String Theory Progressive?
• Dean Rickles, Duality and Equivalence in String Theory.
• Sophie Ritson, ArXiv, Trackbacks, and the String Wars.

10:45-11:00 Tea break

11:00-1:00 Early Modern II

• John Schuster, Descartes’ Regulae and their Discontents: Why Philosophical Attacks on the Weber-Schuster Thesis Fail in Light of the New ‘Cambridge ms.’ of the Regulae.
• Keith Hutchison, Galileo, Sunspots and the Motion of the Earth.
• Luciano Boschiero, On Impact and Motion: Giovanni Borelli’s Treatises on Physico-mathematics.
• Peter Anstey, Principles in Early Modern Natural Philosophy: A Provisional Taxonomy.

1:00-2:15 Lunch

2:15-3:45 Implications of Temporal Limits of Perception in Psychology for Philosophical Approaches to Temporal Experience

• Alex Holcombe, Seeing Slow, Seeing Fast
• Patrick Goodbourn, Attentional Episodes and the Experience of Simultaneity
• Maria Kon, Philosophical Models of Temporal Experience and Psychological Restrictions

3:45-4:00 Tea break

4:00-5:00 Book Symposium

• John Schuster, Descartes-Agonistes: Physico-mathematics, Method and Copuscular-Mechanism 1618-1633, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. [Ofer Gal, Luciano Boschiero commenting, with responses by John Schuster].

5.00-6.00 AGM

7.00 Conference Dinner

Friday 18th

9:00-10:30 Political HPSS

• Ian Wills, Football, Meat Pies, Kangaroos, and Holden Cars: The Neglected History of Manufacturing in Australia
• Kathryn Ticehurst, Anthropological Field Work in ‘Mixed Race’ Aboriginal Communities in Australia, 1940–1965
• Darrin Durant, STS Styled Politics of Expertise, According to Political Theory

10.30-10.45 Tea break

10:45-12:15 Cosmology and Scientific Understanding

• David Mercer, Thinking about the History of the History of Science in Popular Culture: ‘Cosmos’ then and now : A Personal Journey in the History of the Recent History of the History Science in Popular Culture.
• Katia Wilson, What Matters Most: A Small Episode in the Formation of the Dark Matter Entity.
• Ruth Barton, Victorian Scientific Naturalism Reconsidered.

12.15-1.15 Lunch

1:15-2.45 Identity Crisis: Manipulating Identities Through Technological Practice

• Christopher Hesselbein, Constituting Identities Through Technology: The HPV Vaccination Controversy in the Netherlands.
• Ian Lawson, Constituting Identities Through Technology: Margaret Cavendish’s Portrayal of Experimental Philosophy in Seventeenth Century England.
• Sahar Tavakoli, Constituting Identities Through Technology: The Hospital Gown in the Construction of the Hospital Patient.

2.45-3.00 Tea break

3:00-4:30 Potpourri

• Richard Heersmink, The Metaphysics of Cognitive Artifacts.
• Adam Lucas, Ecclesiastical Lordship and the Commercialization of Medieval Milling.
• William Palmer, David Boswell Reid: Chemistry, Textbooks and Ventilation.