Call for HPS/STS papers at Melbourne

The History and Philosophy of Science Postgraduate Association of the University of Melbourne is pleased to announce that it is organizing a conference whose purpose is to highlight the research of post-graduates as well as academics within HPS.

Proposals for paper presentations are now being invited for the “Melbourne University Research Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science” to be held Thursday Feb. 21, 2013. We are welcome papers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives related to topics within the fields of History and Philosophy of Science and Science and Technology Studies.

We hope that this conference will provide an opportunity for staff and postgraduates at the University of Melbourne to come together and showcase their research, as well as a forum for discussion with the wider HPS and STS communities, in Melbourne and beyond.  We therefore particularly welcome paper proposals from postgraduates of other institutions.

Presentations will run for fifteen minutes plus question time.  Papers presented will appear in a peer reviewed proceedings, tentatively scheduled for publication in June of 2013. It is also anticipated that presentations will be presentations will be recorded and made available via a conference website, subject to the approval of each presenter.

Abstracts of up to 250 words, with a brief biographical statement, should be sent to no later than Friday the 25th of January.

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