CFP: History of Science Society, Seattle meeting


Science History in Seattle

The History of Science Society (HSS) will hold its annual meeting on November 1–4, 2018 at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Seattle, WA . This will be a joint meeting with the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA).

Keep apprised of all meeting news by visiting our brand new meeting website. The site provides account creation, abstract submission, meeting program (when available), meeting registration (when available), and more.

Call for Papers Now Available!

HSS welcomes submissions on all topics. To submit, visit the meeting websiteand create an account (New Account). Upon account creation, you will be redirected to your Abstract Submission dashboard. (You can also access the submission system by clicking Abstract Submission in the navigation bar.)

We are currently accepting four types of proposals:

Individual Paper
Presentations on the history of science around 20 minutes long
Organized Sessions
Sessions of four to five papers about a common theme, submitted by an organizer
Facilitated discussions about the history of science or the state of the discipline
Special Presidential Session
Presentations of 5 minutes or less, followed by discussion


Anyone with a panel, paper, or roundtable idea seeking like-minded presenters should consult the Discussion page on the meeting website (account required). You can make, consult, and follow posts. Organized sessions enjoy much higher acceptance rates than individual papers.

Additional Guidelines and Instructions:


Call for Papers

For more information, you may also consult the full call for papers, which contains additional instructions and guidelines for abstract submission. The CFP is available as a PDF for download and distribution. Please share widely.

Have a suggestion for the meeting? Want to promote your panel? Looking for recommendations for a good cup of coffee in Seattle?

Let us know on Twitter! You can use the official meeting hashtag—#HSS18—or tweet us @hssonline.