An update on the AAHPSSS conference:
The Call for Papers is now open. Submissions can be made through the conference website:
We are calling for individual papers, complete sessions (90 minutes) or multi-session workshops. Guidelines for each proposal type can be found here:
Submissions will remain open until Friday, 23 July 2021.
A reminder that the conference that will be 24–26 November, 2021 and will be based at the University of Wollongong, with on-line options available for all participants.
Registration costs for the conference are still being determined, and we expect to have a final decision by early July. However, those of you who have attended previous AAHPSSS conferences will know that we are committed to keeping this conference an accessible, low-cost event. In particular, the cost of online attendance at the conference will be kept to a minimum. Once determined, earlybird registration costs will be available through until Friday, 3 September 2021.
As part of this commitment to accessibility, AAHPSSS will once again support postgraduate students, early career academics, and those in insecure employment with Langham Bursaries for travel to the conference (from outside NSW) and with a Langham Prize at the conference itself. Guidelines for these awards will also be released in early July, but please do consider this opportunity, if you are an emerging scholar, and please do spread the word amongst postgraduate students and early career academics in your networks. Of course, we would be very happy for you to promote the conference and AAHPSSS itself amongst all of your colleagues.
Registration will become available shortly.