DRAFT AGENDA – Annual General Meeting

Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science

Annual General Meeting

Monday 3 December 2018 @ 11.00 am
Research Hub, Rm 19.2062a, University of Wollongong
+ Tele-Conference via Zoom & Cisco
(details to be provided in early November)

1. Welcome to members

2. Endorsement of previous AGM 2017 minutes.

3. Acting Treasurer’s Report

a. income & expenditure from AAHPSSS 2017 Conference

b. finance update on Paypal & St George accounts

c. progress on proposal to move AAHPSSS funds into a higher interest bearing account, with some funds placed in rolling term deposits.

4. Vice-President’s Report on Dyason Lecture at State Library of NSW, and Society for Social Studies of Science Conference at Sydney International Convention Centre, in August 2018.

5. Nominations and vote on filling positions of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, 2019 NZ Conference Representative/s.

6. Progress on proposal for a history of science and technology archive at the University of Wollongong with possibly financial input from AAHPSSS.

7. Discussion of organisation for AAHPSSS 2019 Conference at the Victoria University of Wellington:

a. Organising Committee for AAHPSSS 2019

b. Budgetary considerations

c. Program considerations

i. Daily plenaries in evening sessions

ii. Ian Langham Bursaries funding for post-graduates

iii. Co-hosting of sessions with APSTSN

d. Endorsement of funding proposal for Prof Margaret Pelham as Dyason Lecturer in 2019.

8. Other relevant STS/HPS conferences forthcoming in Australia and New Zealand.

9. Other business